Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee

Agenda Item 68


Subject:                          Progress update against Corporate Key Performance Indicators, Strategic Risks and Annual Governance Statement actions Quarter 2 2023/24


Date of meeting:      7 December 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director, Governance People & Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: Rima Desai

                                    Tel: 01273 29-1268



Ward(s) affected:   All



For general release



1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         To report to Strategy, Finance & City Regeneration (SFCR) Committee on progress made during the period 1 April 2023 to 30th September 2023 in relation to Corporate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the Council’s current Strategic Risks which the SFCR committee has responsibility for and on Annual Governance Statement actions.


2.            Recommendations[VS1] 


2.1         That SFCR Committee note the progress made in relation to Corporate KPIs, particularly the corrective measures outlined for ‘red’ and ‘amber’ indicators included in Appendix 1.


2.2         That SFCR Committee note the council’s current Strategic Risks linked to the committee as outlined in Appendix 2.


2.3         That SFCR Committee note progress against Annual Governance Statement (AGS) actions as monitored by Directorate Plans included in Appendix 3.


3.            Context and background information


3.1         The overarching document which sets out the outcomes which the council aims to deliver is Brighton & Hove City Council Plan for 2023 to 2027. Progress towards delivery of the Council Plan outcomes is evidenced by delivery of the Corporate KPI set and is supported through the delivery of the council’s Directorate Plans.


3.2         This report is a key part of Business Planning and Management and also Risk Management, two of the components of the council’s Performance Management Framework (PMF) which underpins our statutory duty to continuous improvement.


3.3         The list of Corporate KPIs and their targets for 2023/24 were set in July 2023 by SFCR. A consistent approach to target setting has been adopted across the organisation taking account of comparative information where available. KPI performance against target is assigned a rating of Red, Amber or Green.


3.4         The council maintains a Strategic Risk Register to ensure Strategic Risks for the organisation are proactively captured and appropriate mitigating actions are in place. The Council’s Audit & Standards Committee is responsible for approving the Risk Management Framework, while the Council’s committees are responsible for having an oversight of the Strategic Risks relevant to their delegated functions.


3.5         The Council has a statutory duty to produce an Annual Governance Statement (AGS) which outlines the effectiveness of governance arrangements operating during the year, with areas identified for improvement. The Annual Governance Statement is formally approved by the Council’s Audit & Standards Committee, in accordance with its delegated powers. For the year 2022/23, our governance arrangements were judged to have ‘reasonable assurance’ by our internal auditors. ‘Reasonable assurance’ means that arrangements are in place to manage key risks and to meet good governance principles, but there are one or more areas where improvements are required.



4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1          The Corporate KPI set for 2023/24 is made up of 55 indicators, of which 30 are reported this quarter. Results show 67% of the targeted indicators meeting (41%) or being within the agreed tolerance level (26%) at the end of September 2023.


4.2         Direction of travel for each KPI is included in Appendix 1. Each KPI is marked with 'improving', 'declining', or 'no change' based on a comparison of latest performance against any data held for the relevant previous period. Trend indicators are shown as increasing or decreasing trend. Of those KPIs targeted at Q2 in 2023/24, 52% have improved, 44% have declined and 4% have no change. 3 are trend indicators and therefore not targeted. 


4.3         The KPIs where we are performing well relate to:

·         % of non-major development applications decided within agreed timeframes

·         % of homelessness prevention cases closed with a successful prevention outcome

·         % of municipal waste landfilled

·         % of Education, Health & Care Plans (EHCPs) issued within 20 weeks including exceptions

·         % of Strengthening Family Assessments completed in 45 days


4.4         The KPIs where performance improvement is required relate to:

·         % of routine council housing repairs completed on time

·         Total number of households in temporary accommodation

·         Nitrogen Dioxide levels in Brighton and Hove

·         % of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting

·         Residual household waste per household


4.5         Currently we have 11 Strategic Risks as included in Appendix 2 of which 7 are linked to SFCR. These relate to the following, with target risk score based on their likelihood (L) and impact (I):

·         Organisational capacity (Red, L5 x I4 = 20) 

·         Financial sustainability (Red, L4 x I4 = 16)

·         Health & safety (Amber, L3 x I4 = 12)

·         Technology investment and exploitation (Amber, L3 x I4 = 12)

·         Cyber-attack (Amber, L3 x I4 = 12)

·         Welfare support (Amber, L3 x I3 = 9)

·         Leading the city well (Amber, L2 x I4 = 8)


4.6         In AGS, 6 actions were identified for strengthening our governance in 2023/24, managed by Directorate Plans detailed in Appendix 3. They are as follows, with their current RAG (red/amber/green) progress status:

·         Maximising the financial integrity and sustainability of the organisation to minimise any unplanned adverse impacts of financial pressures on organisational capacity, services, and citizens through Medium Term Financial Planning and a linked 5-year Capital Strategy. (Amber)

·         Continue to seek improvement to the payroll and pension service. (Amber)

·         Ensure delivery of the actions set out in the Health and Safety Strategy 2023-27 (Amber)

·         Ensure effective governance of the implementation of the Digital, Data & Technology Strategy

o   Deliver the Foundation IT pillar of the DDAT (Digital Data and Technology) strategy. (Green)

o   Deliver the Digital Customer pillar of the DDAT strategy. (Amber)

o   Deliver the Data pillar of the DDaT strategy. (Amber)

o   Deliver the Digital organisation pillar of the Digital Data and Technology (DDaT) strategy. (Amber)

·         To continue to develop and implement a pro-active strategy to improve industrial relations in conjunction with recognised trade unions and continue to streamline approach to employee relations casework across the council. (Amber)

·         Implement improvements to operational financial processes for Adult Social Care clients. (Amber)


5.            Community engagement and consultation


5.1         This is an internal performance reporting mechanism and as such no engagement or consultation has been undertaken in this regard.


6.            Conclusion


6.1         The council believes it has a robust Performance Management Framework as evidenced by this report to meet the challenges of delivering services in the financial context that local authorities are now working in.


7.            Financial implications


7.1         Addressing performance and risk issues, where possible, may have a financial consequence for the relevant service area which will be considered by the relevant directorate in managing its overall budget position. This is reflected in regular Targeted Budget Management forecasts and reports. Where performance is sub-optimal despite planned actions having been implemented, the financial implications for further improvement of services may need to be considered as part of the budget setting process going forward.


Name of finance officer consulted: James Hengeveld  

Date consulted: 06/11/2023


8.            Legal implications


8.1         The framework described here and the actions reported on are key parts of the arrangements put in place by the council to ensure that it ensures continuous improvement whilst maintaining effective governance, this notwithstanding the current demands and challenges.


8.2         While the Council’s Audit & Standards Committee approves the corporate risk management framework, responsibility for reviewing and monitoring specific risks now sits with relevant Committees. As a result, the recommendations to this Report include (at para 2.2) a request for this  Committee’s input on the specific strategic risks reported on in this Report.


Name of lawyer consulted: Victoria Simpson      

Date consulted: 31/10/2023


9.            Equalities implications


9.1         Where data is available and relevant to the indicator, corporate KPIs set out protected characteristics information of service users to articulate equalities implications with services using this data to inform improvements in relation to reducing inequalities. Equalities implications are also included in the strategic risks where relevant.


10.         Sustainability implications


10.1      Sustainability will also be improved through working to meet the relevant quarterly KPI measures detailed within this report. These relate to: household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting, municipal waste landfilled, Nitrogen Dioxide levels in Brighton and Hove.


11.         Other Implications


Social Value and procurement implications


11.1      No further significant implications arising from this report.


Crime & disorder implications:


11.2      No further significant implications arising from this report.


Public health implications:


11.3      No further significant implications arising from this report.


Supporting Documentation



1.      Detailed KPI report for Q2 2023/24 – Corporate KPIs linked to Council Plan outcomes

2.      Strategic Risks for Q2 2023/24 linked to SFCR Committee

3.      Annual Governance Statement actions progress for Q2 2023/24


Documents in Members’ Rooms



Background Documents


 [VS1]As you know, recommendations are usually to 'note' or 'review': super simple verbs with zero potential for lack of clarity re what Cttee can actually do. Because of this, I'd suggest at 2.1 and 2.2 deleting reference to providing support (which could be construed as ongoing/ more active than it really is) and instead go for  'review & provide challenge to assist the officers responsible for performance/ RM' or similar.